УДК: 331.08
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-8
JEL classification: L41
The article considers modern information technologies in the HR-engineering system based on the competence approach used by Ukrainian enterprises and institutions. The concept of personnel, personnel management, HR-engineering and technology of its management are also covered. The purpose of personnel-technologies is determined. The list of HR-engineering information technologies is proposed for their possible implementation in Ukraine. In modern conditions, there is rapid development of information technologies, implementation of innovative science-intensive solutions and applications in various fields. Application of new developments using achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics in the HR-engineering system, so that it is possible to improve the performance of enterprises and organizations significantly; this is also relevant at the macroeconomic level, since the processes of European integration and globalization of the economy require consideration of world trends. New HR engineering rules have been reviewed and proposed, namely: HR is focused on optimizing employee productivity, engagement, teamwork and career growth; HR creates innovations, selects special software to meet the needs of the organization, develops programs and manages indicators platforms; in addition to ERP, the HRТechnology team is working on the development of digital capabilities and mobile applications with an emphasis on “labor productivity”; leading HR centers use artificial intelligence, chat, applications and other advanced technologies to empower their employees; HR is creating an integrated “employee platform” using digital applications, case management, artificial intelligence and bots to meet the current needs of employees. Information technologies, in particular, information technologies that can be used by managers and specialists of the personnel management service when solving the tasks of personnel selection, analysis and support of interpersonal relations in the team, may be used in order to increase the efficiency of the personnel management process. Information systems make it possible to identify the level of professional qualifications of employees, psychophysiological parameters and monitor the dynamics of changes in individual characteristics.
Keywords: personnel management technology, HR engineering, information technologies, digitalization, competent approach, digitalization, modern trends
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The article was received 27.09.2022