УДК: 656.022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-41
JEL classification: F52
Digitization of the world economy contributed to the progress of socioeconomic development and created new challenges and threats for business entities. At the same time, effective mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of enterprises in the new conditions have yet to be developed. Businesses often rely on their capabilities and resources to protect their business. The growth of crisis phenomena, increasing uncertainty, and dynamism of the economic situation require business entities to pay more attention to economic security issues to identify and neutralize possible threats, dangers, and risks that can negatively affect the state and results of their business activities. It should be outlined that for any enterprise, regardless of its size or field of activity, threats to development always come from outside or arise within the enterprise. The economic security system is designed to protect the enterprise from external and internal threats and to preserve and effectively use its material and financial potential reliably. It is necessary to develop a whole set of economic measures to ensure the economic security of businesses in the conditions of digital transformation. There is yet to be a consensus on what mechanisms will be effective and efficient for ensuring the economic security of enterprises. Digitization has affected all companies to varying degrees, regardless of economic activity and resource provision specifics. Large and small enterprises are exposed to more frequent and severe threats in the digital environment, which affects their economic security. From an economic point of view, such threats can affect their reputation, financial component, harming their competitiveness, undermining their innovation efforts and market position. Such threats can disrupt the availability, integrity, or confidentiality of information systems based on economic activity. When building a security system, it is necessary to determine the acceptable level of risk, both from the point of view of its manageability and predictability and the possible consequences of its implementation.
Keywords: digitization, economic security, threats, digital economy, risk.
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The article was received 05.11.2022