УДК: 332:330.31:796.5:005.52

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-8

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Innovation, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine
PhD (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Sport Games, South Ukrainian K. D. Ushynsky National Pedagogical University
Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management Department,
Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
PhD in economics, Associate Professor of Management,
Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv

JEL classification: G18, H30, H51, H61, I00


Introduction. The priority area of sports and health should be aimed at consolidating the nation’s efforts in the struggle for a healthy future, steady perception of traditional sports and physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle. Actions aimed at implementing the priority area of sports and health should be accompanied by public awareness of the undeniable need for physical activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle. The state must provide the necessary conditions (including regulatory, material, and methodological support) for citizens’ systematic sports and recreation activities, taking into account their individual needs and interests.

The purpose of the article is to study the national trends of demographic processes regarding sports and health management tasks in Ukraine.

Results. The priority direction of the sports and health sphere has been determined, which should be aimed at consolidating the efforts of the whole nation in the struggle for a healthy future, establishing the perception of traditional sports and physical activity, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The tasks of sports and health management are revealed: assistance to the state policy in sports and health activities, planning, organization, and control. The main strategic goals of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine are revealed. It is noted that to fulfill the strategic purpose of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, namely, increasing the population’s life expectancy, which primarily depends on the development of physical culture and sports, requires using indicators based on demographic statistics. It is emphasized that in the direction of increasing the life expectancy of the population of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine envisages achieving a 5% reduction in the mortality rate and a 5% increase in the life expectancy rate. The survey of households in 2020 in Ukraine showed that 50.5% of the population considered their health to be good, 39.7% – satisfactory, and 9.8% – bad.

Conclusions. The study showed that the permanent population of Ukraine had decreased significantly, while the structure of gender composition for 1991-2021 has not changed. Over the past thirty years, the country’s population has shrunk by almost 20 percent due to its significant mortality. It is emphasized that the nation’s health directly depends on the efficiency of the sports and health sphere. It is noted that this situation causes the state and trends of demographic processes in Ukraine to be of concern, outlined by several demographic problems. It is determined that the low level of accessibility of sports and health services in Ukraine is evidence of the need to update the issue of increasing the income level of citizens and financial support of this sector of the economy.

Keywords: sports and health-improving activity, demographic processes, demographic problems, management tasks, Ministry of Health of Ukraine


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The article was received 25.03.2022