УДК 339.9.01
JEL classification: F40; P48
Introduction. The emergence of the modern understanding of foreign economic activity is associated with the decentralization of state foreign trade and the transition from a system of intergovernmental foreign economic relations to independent implementation at the enterprise level.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the principles of modern foreign economic activity.
Results. The types of foreign economic activity in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine are considered. It is proved that the principles of foreign economic activity include 3 groups: general, specific and national. General ones are common truths which are shared by all participants in international business operations, that include scientific, systematic and mutually beneficial. It is determined that specific principles are enshrined in relevant international instruments and are binding on all signatory states. The list of specific principles of foreign economic activity is given. It is noted that the «White Paper» of the European Union is the source of specific principles. National principles of foreign economic activity are enshrined in the relevant normative documents of Ukraine. The principles of foreign economic activity of the national level are grouped: legal equality and non-discrimination, the rule of law, freedom of foreign economic enterprise, sovereignty of the people of Ukraine in carrying out foreign economic activity, equivalence of exchange, inadmissibility of dumping during import and export of goods, protection of interests of subjects of foreign economic activity. The functions of foreign economic activity have been summarized and determined to be universal for all countries and specific for each country. At the enterprise level functions groups of the subject of foreign economic activity are distinguished: production-economic, organizational-economic, commercial. It is determined that the exchange of goods and services of foreign economic activity is due to the implementation of the corresponding operations, which are the structural units of this activity.
Keywords: foreign economic activity, state regulation of foreign economic activity, principles of foreign economic activity, national dimension, regional level.
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The article was received 05.01.2019