УДК 330.567:338
Introduction. General provisions and conceptual regulation of the sustainable development concept are elaborated in detail in the declarations and reports of various international organizations. Main concept’s advantages are the possibility of coordinating the general development benchmarks with the specific existing and perspective conditions of the countries and regions (social, geopolitical, ecological, economic, historical, etc.). In this context, an urgent challenge is not only the targets’ establishment, but also development the system of indicators, that will determine the degree of progress in each direction.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop a system of indicators for monitoring the state of Ukrainian households, aimed at determining the sustainability level of regional development.
Results. The main goals of sustainable development, the success of which can be determined on the basic of the households’ state monitoring, were identified in article. The modern global trends of the state, size and finances of households were determined. Sustainable development objectives and indicators for monitoring the state of households that can be used to establish the success of these tasks at the regional level were identified. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ukraine is the new system of mutually agreed management measures for economic, social and environmental measures aimed at building public relations on the basis of trust, solidarity, equality of generations, and a secure environment.
Conclusions. Monitoring of the households’ state allows determining the progressive of the regional development and the success of achieving the sustainable development goals at the territory. Results of monitoring can be used for identifying the impact of regional progress on poverty alleviation and reducing inequalities, improving the health and well-being of the population, ensuring quality education, access to clean water and appropriate sanitation conditions.
Keywords: sustainable development, household, region, sustainable development goals.
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The article was received 17.08.2018