УДК 338.43:65.012.8:631.11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-3
JEL classification: J 28; Q 10
Introduction. Food businesses are constantly experiencing financial difficulties due to untimely activity results analysis. The financial stability support program is a key objective of the agricultural enterprise. It is possible to ensure its effective functioning through the introduction of an appropriate internal control system. In today’s volatile economic environment, only businesses with the proper level of competitiveness and financial sustainability can function productively.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need and to find ways to implement monitoring and control of financial stability and economic security in the management of agricultural enterprises.
Results. The purpose and the most effective means of ensuring Ukraine’s food policy in the current economic conditions are determined. The stages of economic monitoring (preparatory stage, research and analysis of the obtained results) are presented. The economic monitoring scheme of financial and economic situation at the enterprise is presented. Possible types of financial condition of agrarian enterprise are described. The interdependence of the financial stability type and the concept of competitive advantages development in food industry enterprises at different stages of their life cycle are presented. The comparative assessment of the existing ways and methods of monitoring financial stability have been shown in the context of conducting an internal analysis of the agricultural enterprises financial stability. The characteristic of financial stability monitoring of agrarian enterprise production on the basis of matrix method is given. The results of the financial sustainability assessment of the enterprise «Kulindorovsky» are presented based on the matrix scheme. The conformity of the integral indicator of the enterprises financial stability type of the food industry in the Odessa region is estimated. The realization directions of the algorithm of internal systematic analysis implementation of agricultural enterprises financial stability are indicated.
Conclusions. Analysis of agrarian enterprise financial stability it is advisable to carry out using the matrix algorithm. The proposed methodology will allow to anticipate possible threats to the financial activity of the agricultural enterprise. The results obtained will help to make management decisions aimed at stable activity of the enterprise.
Keywords: monitoring, control, analysis, economic security, risk, agricultural enterprise, financial security of agricultural enterprises.
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The article was received 15.01.2019