УДК: 338.24

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-53

Kalyna Tеtiana,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of the Department of Geodesy and Land Management of the Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture,
Arzumanyan Tеtiana,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Land Management of the Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture,
Biletska Natalia,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, PHEE "Vinnytsia institute of designing of clothes and entrepreneurship"

JEL classification: L 83, D 41

Currently, one of the guarantors of the region’s economic stability is the development of tourism. The rapid growth of the tourism industry and significant cash receipts actively affect various segments of the economy and contribute to the formation of the tourism industry. The development of domestic tourism is a significant source of income for local economies, ensures the creation of jobs, promotes self-employment of the population, and contributes to the development of regions. In this vein, the study of the peculiarities of the development of domestic tourism in the regions and the increase of the competitiveness of tourist activity in the conditions of current realities is not just important, but urgent.

The publication’s purpose is to engage you, the reader, in the research of the specifics of development and assess the competitiveness of tourism in the Odesa region. Your interest and involvement in this study are crucial for its success and for the advancement of the tourism industry in the Odesa region.

The results. The article examines the essence and nature of the popularity of tourism at the regional level. The essence of tourism is determined; it is substantiated that it affects the world economy and is dependent on crisis phenomena. It has been studied that our country is an attractive destination for tourism from all over the world; the tourism sector continues to need help with difficulties and focuses mainly on domestic tourism to safe regions. It is noted that the Odesa region is one of the most popular regions of Ukraine for tourism and recreation. Odesa’s tourist and recreational potential, the leading economic indicators of tourism such as the contribution to GDP, employment generation, and foreign exchange earnings, the dynamics of the number of subjects of tourist activity, and the dynamics of the payment of the tourist tax have been studied. It is substantiated that tourism needs to rethink the directions of specialization and diversification of tourist services with an orientation, first of all, on domestic tourism in the context of increasing its competitiveness.

Conclusions. The analysis of tourist activity in Odesa shows that the region is developing in tourism, which, in turn, brings income to the regional budget and contributes to forming a favorable reputation of the region as an attractive tourist destination. Therefore, the development of regional tourist destinations and the formation of their tourist attractiveness is extremely important in order to achieve the goals of the region’s socio-economic development in the conditions of growing competition in the market of tourist services.

Keywords: tourism, tourist activity, competitiveness of tourism, region, tourist destination.


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The article was received 11.04.2024