УДК: 658.012: 339.13

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-46

Ostapenko Tetiana,
Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor, National Aviation University,
Sozynova Irina,
Senior Lecturer,
National Aviation University,
Kovpik Vadym,
PhD Student, National Aviation University,

JEL classification: H54

The article analyzes the impact of the dominant trends of qualitative changes in the modern economy on fringe formation. The trends of digitalization and personalization of nanoeconomy subjects are considered as such trends. Aspects of the digital economy and informatization are studied. Digital branding helps to establish a meaningful connection with the target audience, using a unique offer to highlight the brand and its distinctive competitive advantages. Innovations that increase the intensity of information flows shape and promote a digital brand. It has been established that modern branding is influenced by the relations born within the nanoeconomy. For example, a brand is an institution that depends on nano-actors, including owners, producers, and consumers. The institution of property implies that a person with savings can invest in a business that can develop its brand. A brand is subjective and reflects an individual approach to a product (good or service). The owner initiates the brand and becomes a reference from this owner to various consumers and business customers. The manufacturer is responsible for producing a particular product when the production conditions dictate the quality of the product or service, and the brand image is formed. The latest digital technologies affect economic processes, including the efficiency and stability of business processes. Digital technologies can improve the efficiency of targeting marketing strategies and increase the compliance of goods with consumer expectations. At the same time, it has been shown (proved) that the increase in the efficiency of economic processes under the influence of consumer activation is explained by the titles of the modern science of nanoeconomics. Nanoeconomic systems differ in peacetime and during military operations. Since Ukraine is going through difficult military times with aggression from Russia, it is necessary to consider the specifics of nanoeconomic development in these conditions and the post-war period. It is determined that the mental construction of a modern brand should include, in addition to product characteristics, elements of both digitalization and aspects of the behavior of individual economic agents, as opposed to the traditional neoclassical paradigm.

Keywords: brand, trademark, nanoeconomy, digital communications, branding, brand management.


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The article was received 21.02.2023