УДК 631.1:005.334
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-60
JEL classification: Q18; Q01; G32
The article is devoted to studying approaches to risk and threat analysis for the security of agricultural enterprises. The research aims to analyze, systematize, and summarize the existing theoretical and methodological foundations for ensuring enterprise security and to develop a methodology for analyzing risks and threats specific to agricultural enterprises. The article addresses the pressing issue of ensuring the security of agricultural enterprises amid contemporary challenges and transformations. The agricultural sector is a strategically significant branch of the economy, playing a key role in ensuring food security, fostering sustainable development of rural areas, and laying the foundation for economic growth. The study substantiates the necessity of a systematic approach to security management, encompassing economic, environmental, technological, and legal aspects of enterprise operations. The key threats to the agricultural sector are highlighted, including natural and climatic risks, fluctuations in global prices, technological deficiencies, and political instability. It is revealed that enterprises’ adaptability and innovative development capacity serve as the foundation for minimizing risks and ensuring stability. The study identifies critical stages of security assurance, which include threat identification, analysis of the internal state of the enterprise, development of managerial decisions, and monitoring the effectiveness of implemented measures. Threat identification covers economic risks, such as price and demand fluctuations, environmental challenges like climate change, technological limitations due to outdated production methods, and legal barriers. Analyzing the enterprise’s security status involves tools such as SWOT analysis, risk probability and impact matrices, financial audits, scenario modeling, and monitoring of key indicators. These methods enable a comprehensive risk assessment and the development of strategies for their mitigation. An algorithm for identifying, diagnosing, and analyzing the security state is proposed, comprising five stages: threat identification, state diagnosis, risk analysis, managerial decision development, and monitoring. The research demonstrates that implementing effective risk management strategies allows agricultural enterprises to maintain financial stability, enhance competitiveness, and adapt to changes in the external environment. The methodology for identifying and analyzing security forms a foundation for developing practical solutions that consider current challenges and opportunities for development.
Keywords: enterprise security, risk analysis, economic security, risk management, financial stability.
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The article was received 28.07.2024