УДК 338.439.02:330.341
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-25
JEL classification: L91; Q11
In the conditions of de-occupation and restoration of the territories of Ukraine, an important task is the restoration of the transport and logistics infrastructure for the efficient functioning of the livestock industry. The study covers the analysis of existing problems related to the destruction of infrastructure due to military actions and proposes a set of models that contribute to the rapid and efficient recovery of this industry. The proposed models in the article are aimed at restoring production capacities, improving the efficiency of logistics processes, and ensuring the sustainable development of cattle breeding in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine. A comprehensive approach to solving the problems of infrastructure restoration will not only restore economic activity but also contribute to the long-term development of the regions. The de-occupation of the territories of Ukraine affected by military operations creates new challenges for the recovery of various sectors of the economy, including cattle breeding. The transport and logistics infrastructure, which is critical to the functioning of this industry, has suffered significant destruction. Therefore, restoring this infrastructure is critically important for ensuring the region’s food security, economic growth, and stability. Optimizing logistics routes is an essential component of infrastructure recovery. New realities of safety and accessibility must be considered, including alternative delivery routes and the use of local resources. Restoring the transport and logistics infrastructure of cattle breeding in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine is extremely important for the economic revival of the regions. The application of complex recovery models, considering modern technologies and innovative approaches, will ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and raise the standard of living of the local population. In the above-mentioned scientific study, all the main challenges and critical limitations related to the restoration and development of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine are highlighted.
Keywords: transport and logistics chains, de-occupied territories, economic management, transport infrastructure, model, technologies, strategy.
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The article was received 28.07.2024