УДК 338.439.02

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-69

Bohdaniuk Ihor,
PhD in Law, Senior Researcher, Deputy Director for Organizational and Scientific Work and Technology Transfer,
Livestock Farming National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine,

JEL classification: Q18; D81; O13; C02

This article is dedicated to exploring approaches to integral assessment of the security level in the agricultural sector. The study aims to analyze, systematize, and generalize existing theoretical and methodological approaches and practical recommendations for assessing the safe operation of agricultural business entities. The study analyzes and systematizes methodological approaches to the integral assessment of the security level of enterprises, including the analysis of internal and external factors, the use of econometric models, the clustering of agricultural business entities, and the development of individual management strategies. Key factors affecting the security level of enterprises are identified, including adaptability to market changes, innovative potential, diversification of activities, financial stability, and the quality of managerial decisions. A systemic approach to assessing the security level of agricultural business entities in the context of dynamic changes in the external environment is considered. The study justifies modern approaches to risk modeling, financial stability analysis, environmental responsibility, organizational efficiency, and social stability. The research highlights practical aspects of applying digital technologies to automate monitoring and risk assessment processes. Special attention is paid to the scenario approach for forecasting financial results, risk modeling, and forming stabilization strategies that enhance enterprise resilience. Methodological approaches to clustering agricultural business entities ensure effective resource management, improved cooperation between enterprises, optimized logistics processes, and the implementation of innovative solutions. The systemic approach to security analysis enables enterprises to adapt quickly to external changes, reduce risks, and increase competitiveness. The study’s results can be used to develop strategic plans for developing agricultural enterprises, implement innovative technologies, and enhance the effectiveness of managerial decisions in the agribusiness sector.

Keywords: security level, risks, systemic approach, economic modeling, clustering, agricultural enterprises, resilience.


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The article was received 12.03.2024