УДК 005.6:374
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-16
JEL classification: A20; I23
This paper proposes practical methods implemented in the educational process for assessing the quality of an online course to optimize the work of the course development team and reduce labor costs for supporting the online course. The first method is the collection and analysis of statistical indicators, which allows you to assess the objective behavior of students in the online course, interact with all course elements, and identify the most and least popular elements of the online course. The second method relies on students’ subjective perception of the course. Correctly compiled feedback questionnaires will allow you to identify the systematic nature of complaints about specific problem patterns and speed up work with them when building a course. Both methods for assessing course elements distribute them to one of three subblocks: theoretical, practical, and additional. A default weight was assigned to each of these subblocks, and weights from the course plan were used for elements related to the course user assessment. At the same time, objective and subjective methods of assessing the quality of the course allow a comprehensive examination of the course and find the most problematic areas of the course, which allows for saving the labor resources of developers for direct work on the course. Together, both methods fully cover the course as a whole, making it easier for the course team to optimize their work on its improvement. The study considered the parameters and questionnaires for evaluating online courses for the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics website of Personal Learning Systems.
Keywords: online course quality, educational process, higher education institution, education seekers, personal learning systems.
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The article was received 23.10.2024