УДК 339.9(4)+339.137.2+338.48

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-24

Khutak Arthur Shir Aga,
PhD Student, Odesa National University of Technology,

JEL classification: D25; E22

The lack of own and borrowed investment resources necessary for the development of enterprises is typical for the investment process in the food industry. Due to high crane risks, the behavior of investors has become more cautious, which is why many enterprises are unable to implement investment projects. In war conditions, state support for the investment process in the industry is significantly limited; therefore, food enterprises’ investment policy is focused mainly on non-state investments. When forming an investment policy and strategy, manufacturers should aim to overcome the crisis caused by aggression against our country by forming effective mechanisms for activating investment activities to increase their attractiveness. The innovative focus of investments opens opportunities for enterprises to quickly lay the foundation for a new technological structure in the food sector, which will contribute to the economic development of the national economy. The activation of the innovation process requires the involvement of external investment resources. At the same time, innovative investments require more significant investments, accompanied by increased risk for both investors and project implementers. Thus, investors and project applicant enterprises must assess the investment attractiveness of both projects and implementers. For strategic monitoring of food enterprises, a hierarchical system of indicators has been defined, which systematically describes the course of the investment process, establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between indicators, and connects all elements of investment strategies, projects, and programs. A conceptual model of strategic monitoring of the investment process of a food enterprise has been developed, which covers its four main phases – generation of the investment process, formalization of investment proposals, project implementation, project completion, and post-project support. Criteria and indicators for monitoring have been defined for each phase of the investment process, which determines the author’s approach to the analysis and control of various components of the investment implementation process. The methods of analysis and assessment of attractive investment of enterprises and investment projects are generalized and classified, their strengths and weaknesses are identified, and the possibility of using them in the strategic monitoring system of the investment process is possible. The correct application of analytical tools opens opportunities for stimulating investment processes in the food industry, creating growth points that will become the basis for strengthening the national economy and regions.

Keywords: investments, food enterprises, strategic monitoring, innovations, projects.


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The article was received 02.11.2024