УДК 658.5:338.005:634.8

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-62

Pechko Volodymyr,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assocciate Professor of Agricultural Products Processing Department,
National University of Food Technologies,

JEL classification: М10, Q10

Developing a sector-specific strategic management methodology is critical, as it allows us to consider the specific conditions of each industry, including its economic, environmental, and technological features. Such an approach ensures that strategies are adapted to real challenges and opportunities, increasing decision-making efficiency and the industry’s competitiveness in a dynamic environment. An industry’s strategic management methodology is a set of conceptual approaches, principles, methods, and tools used to develop, implement, and control strategic decisions at the level of a particular sector of the economy. The article aims to substantiate the existing methodological approaches to strategic management at different levels and improve the methodological support for the management strategy of the viticulture and wine industry. The classification of strategic management methods is analysed. The differentiation of strategic management levels and their methodological components in the focus of the viticulture and wine industry as an integral part of the agro-industrial complex is theoretically substantiated. The methodological approach to the formation of an adaptive strategy for the management of the viticulture and wine complex has been improved based on an organic combination of SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis, industry life cycle model, product-market model, VRIO-analysis and the modified Porter’s Five Forces model. It is proved that the integral efficiency of the improved methodological approach is manifested in the ability to ensure systematic consistency of strategic decisions with the dynamics of the external environment and internal resources. The organic combination of SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis, industry life cycle model, product-market model, VRIO-analysis and modified Porter’s Five Forces model allows for a comprehensive assessment of market risks, identification of competitive advantages, and optimization of resource allocation. This approach increases the adaptability and resilience of industry, which contributes to achieving long-term strategic goals and economic efficiency.

Keywords: methodology, viticulture and wine industry, strategy, strategic management, agro-industrial complex, strategic management methodology, adaptive strategy, method.


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The article was received 03.07.2024