УДК: 658.012: 339.13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-24
JEL classification: H54; O18
The article considers the essence, properties, and task of market infrastructure, including the disconnection of scientific research on individual infrastructures. Monitoring of these studies highlights the tendency to a limited analysis of the reasons for the fragmentation of infrastructures. The essence of this limitation is that the subject of research is usually a separate infrastructure, such as innovation, market, technological, social, digital, etc. Enrichment of the arsenal of infrastructure management methods through comparative analysis procedures, in accordance with the tasks of science and methodology development, allows achieving an increase in the efficiency of both the management itself and the economic mechanism of infrastructure. As a result, stand-alone infrastructure is viewed through the prism of understanding the systemic properties of this phenomenon, identifying characteristic, and added properties, constant and variable system parameters. The systemic approach, as well as the holistic approach, in this case focuses the search, first, on identifying the links that provide a holistic vision of infrastructure as a single system characterized by its essence and various forms of its manifestation. In our opinion, enriching the lexicon of national science with the term “market infrastructure” in the early stages of transformation practice and scientific understanding of the transition economy positively allowed to track new patterns of formation of the market economy in Ukraine. The separation of the concepts of economic “infrastructure” and “market infrastructure” is still perceived by many domestic scientists as different categories, but this approach is not observed in world science, since the processes of development of leading market economies and science in these countries occurred simultaneously and evolutionarily. This statement does not refute the rationality of using the concept of “market infrastructure” as a category, but it defines the purpose of this article as the search for and establishment of “points of contact” between infrastructures to describe this phenomenon systematically. To this purpose, the article considers scientific approaches to defining the essence of infrastructure, the state of infrastructure typology, states the relevant definition of the systemic essence of infrastructure, and substantiates a scientific approach to the comparative analysis of the search for “points of contact” as links of integration. Based on the results of the study conducted in this article, the author also identifies the components of the infrastructure development process characteristic of infrastructure. Directions for further research are proposed.
Keywords: economic infrastructure, market infrastructure, innovative infrastructure, system approach, holistic approach, infrastructure functions, sustainable development
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The article was received 27.11.2022