УДК: 338.262.7:330.33

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-28

Nazariy Popadynets
PhD of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher of Department
of Regional Economic Policy at M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

JEL classification: L10; L11; L51; L81


Introduction. Nowadays, the market reforms on the consumer market are being actively discussed from the viewpoint of numerous dysfunctions that used to emerge and continue emerging. Therefore, there is a logical question of how the regulations in Ukraine have contributed thereto, and how efficient, logical, and well-timed they have been, etc. Hence, the complex methodological research of the system of public regulation of the domestic consumer goods market and finding the directions of improving its regulation are of urgent need.

The paper aims to determine the methodological foundations of researching the domestic consumer goods market and the grounds of its regulation.

Results. The paper analyzes a range of scientific publications that can be the basis to making a conclusion that determining the scientific paradigm that has the worldview function and emphasizes the most essential problems of the issue examined by the scientists is among the important methodological aspects of scientific opinions’ research. The paper defines that the nature of methodological research lies in determining the functional practices and trends of the development of certain economic phenomena, and in our case – the development of the domestic consumer goods market and its regulation tools. The forming of the developed domestic consumer goods market is confirmed to be totally impossible without the scientific substantiation of the selection of priority development directions in determining the goals and tasks of the public policy directed at adjusting the market processes. In such cases, the scientific diagnostics of the domestic consumer goods market condition should be applied, and on this basis, the processes on the market should be monitored.

Conclusions. The paper suggests a logical-structural scheme to research the domestic consumer goods market and approaches to its regulation. The theoretical-analytical and recommending sections are allocated to disclose our view over the contemporary conceptual and methodological approaches and to offer suggestions on the improvement of the set of tools of domestic consumer goods market’s public regulation.

Key words: domestic market, consumer goods, methodology, economic research, public regulation.


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The article was received 10.07.2020