УДК 311.21:331.5

Alexander SHVETS
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ph.D., doctoral student
International University of Business and Law (Kherson)

JEL classification: J10; R11


Introduction. In order to ensure regional development, it is necessary to create quality databases that reflect different aspects of human life. Reforming the national economic system affects the activity of the population, which causes the redistribution of labor resources and their partial release. This calls for an analysis of economic activity and employment.

The purpose of the article is to determine the methodological aspects of the economic activity study in the region.

Results. The concept of “the population economic activity” is proposed to be interpreted as a part of the population involved in the labor market, regardless of age, taking into account specifically completed works or methods for finding a job, etc. The categories of population have been defined which are engaged in economic activity. A logical and structural scheme of data collection is provided on the size of population individual social groups and its economic activity in districts and cities of the region. The diagnostics algorithm of social structure and economic activity of the population in the regional labor market is developed. The idea of forming information support for marketing the social sphere of the territory is to build an information-analytical system that can help the authorities make effective management decisions in accordance with the requirements of the time. The categories of informally employed population are defined. The volumes estimation scheme of economic activity and inactivity of the population aged 15-70 years on the regional labor markets is presented. The volumes estimation method of economic activity of working population on the regional labor market is offered. It was found that at the level of districts and cities in the region, to ensure the quality of data on regional employment statistics, it is important: firstly, to take into account the data on the employees number at the enterprises submitting activity reports, taxes and employment at their location; secondly, to provide for the possibility of generalizing data on employment on a territorial basis using identification data of insured persons, whose information indicates their place of residence, etc. The key provisions for creating an effective employment regulation system are identified. Active and passive methods of influencing the employment level are proposed.

Keywords: population of the region, economic activity of the population, regional development, methodology, methodological aspects.


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The article was received 14.12.2018