УДК: 338.46

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-62

Nemashkalo Karina,
Candidate of Science (in Economics), Associate
Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National
University of Economics,
Khakhaliev Dmytro,
Candidate of Science (in Economics) the
tax department of strategic assets,
Manuilov Oleksii,
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,

JEL classification: M 31

This article examines methodological approaches to managing the sustainable development of enterprises under conditions of instability, highlighting the growing unpredictability of economic, social, and environmental factors impacting businesses. An integrated approach to management is characterized by considering the interconnections between economic, social, and environmental aspects of enterprise activities. This approach aims to mitigate adverse environmental and societal impacts while ensuring economic success. Its advantages include reducing negative factors, promoting stable development, and gaining reputational benefits. The risk-oriented approach identifies, assesses, and manages enterprise activity risks. This approach’s strengths include flexibility and adaptability to changing external conditions, enhancing competitiveness, and preventing losses. The innovative approach emphasizes the development of new technologies, products, and processes. The managerial approach involves the active participation of management and staff in decision-making processes related to sustainable development. Essential aspects of this approach include employee engagement, conscious leadership, and fostering a corporate culture oriented toward sustainability. The benefits include increased employee motivation and involvement, support from leadership, and the development of a relevant corporate culture. An analysis of the potential for integrating these approaches reveals opportunities for achieving a balance between economic efficiency, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability. In conclusion, the proposed strategies consider all aspects of sustainable development and provide a comprehensive approach to managing enterprises under conditions of instability. These strategies aim to integrate economic, social, and environmental goals, proactive risk management, fostering innovation, engaging personnel, leveraging digital technologies, and developing strategic partnerships.

Keywords: sustainable development, change management, social responsibility, economic sustainability, innovation, corporate social responsibility (CSR), global transformational processes, adaptation to changes.


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The article was received 15.01.2024