УДК: 351:353:336

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-48

Kovtun Mykyta,
Postgraduate Student, Department of Public Administration, Public Governance, and Economic Policy, Simon Kuznets
Kharkiv National University of Economics,

JEL classification: L26; L31

The article emphasizes that a significant direction of state policy is to support social entrepreneurship. The formation of public-private partnerships in implementing socially-oriented projects should be aimed at introducing social innovations. Social entrepreneurship, by its nature, represents an innovative business model. Developing public-private partnerships in social entrepreneurship is a creative project that utilizes innovative development tools. The social significance of project implementation was assessed using the example of three projects in the IT sector of social entrepreneurship to substantiate the proposed methodology. The proposed methodological approach allows for evaluating the entire scope of resources expended during project implementation, including financial and human resources. Also, it permits determining the degree of impact on the social component of society. A SWOT analysis was carried out to investigate the key indicators of social entrepreneurship management in a market environment. This analysis clearly illustrates the process of establishing relationships between the most characteristic development opportunities, threats, strengths (advantages), and weaknesses, the results of which could be used in the future to shape and select strategies for developing social entrepreneurship. In recent years, social entrepreneurship in Ukraine has been dynamically developing through entrepreneurs’ initiatives, which indicates society’s readiness for change, willingness to take risks, embrace responsibility, and harness new opportunities. Today, social entrepreneurs are experienced individuals focused on innovation, success, profit, and creating social and economic value. They possess initiative, inventiveness, creativity, strategic thinking, innovation, determination, dedication to the cause and mission, and the ability to plan and work with limited resources.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, public-private partnership.


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The article was received 08.01.2023