УДК 658.3:005.32
Introduction. The need to allocate directly the managerial influence of the subject on the object of management gives the opportunity to develop and implement tools to increase the effectiveness of this influence in the context of the overall methodology of management of organizational changes in the enterprise.
The purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the provisions of the methodological approach to assessing the management level of organizational changes in the enterprise.
Results. A generalization of the most well-known components of process approaches to organizational change management is presented. The process approach is one of the most widespread in organizational change management, since it allows to link the nature of managerial influence with an appropriate sequence that reflects the occurrence of changes in time. In addition, the process approach includes not only the inputs and outputs, but also the regulation of the conversion of input to output, together with the resource support for the implementation of these actions.
Conclusions. The stages of changes implementation should be presented as: the initiation involves determining the need for changes, developing plans, clarifying the organizational support for their implementation, allocating finances and agreeing with all stakeholders, etc.; the stage of implementation involves the direct introduction of changes in the current activities of the enterprise, which requires the creation of an initiative group, the gradual involvement in the implementation of changes in all employees whose activities are subject to improvement, formulation and definition of new regulations, the direct introduction of new production processes, etc.; institutionalization involves consolidating new processes in the current activities of the enterprise.
Keywords: organizational changes, process approach, initiation, institutionalization, management influence.
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The article was received 05.08.2018