УДК 332.1

DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-41

Applicant, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

JEL classification: L95; R50


Introduction. The issue of formation and implementation of an innovative policy of increasing the competitiveness of gas distribution companies is relevant today and is determined by the large number of different approaches that enabling the analysis to determine the degree of competitiveness, both within national and regional scales.

The purpose of the study is to comprehensively summarize methodological and practical approaches to determining the competitiveness level of gas distribution companies in the Western region of Ukraine.

Results. Implementation of economic reforms in the activities of gas distribution companies of the Western region of Ukraine through the introduction of innovative measures is enhanced by the urgency of improving the moral and physical status of the main funds of gas distribution companies, imbalance of price supply, tariffs on purchasing power of demand and the urgency of using alternative energy sources and incentives competitiveness. It is the methodology, sequence of calculations and analysis of a number of indicators of the gas distribution company that allows you to identify trends and assess the state of change in the financial activity of the enterprise, as well as to predict potential reserves.

Conclusions. The proposed methodological approach to the definition of the integral indicator on the basis of individually substantiated indicators with the implementation of their standardization allows to take into account the influence of all these components of the evaluation system to obtain the unbiased, balanced and comprehensive vision of the competitiveness of gas distribution systems in the regional context. The combination of scientific methods of cognition, a wide range of statistical information, as well as objective calculations from these indicators make it possible to clearly define the level of energy security and competitive balance of its participants.

Keywords: innovation policy, gas distribution company, competitiveness, distribution, transportation, natural gas, natural gas distribution, region.


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The article was received 04.08.2019