УДК 658.8:004.738.5:65.012.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-17
JEL classification: G12
The article is devoted to determining the essence and features of tactical management mechanisms of trading enterprises based on the use of their potential in the context of e-business development. It has been investigated that the electronic business market is currently developing, as evidenced by the increasing number of enterprises in the online sales market, the growth in sales volumes, and their share in the total trade volume. The advantages and disadvantages of trading enterprises transitioning to digital platforms are identified, along with the main threats that hinder effective development in this field, including war and logistics disruptions, the introduction of legislative restrictions, currency exchange rate instability, globalization of competition, etc. These threats necessitate optimizing strategies and appropriate tactical management mechanisms for trading and other business processes. It has been determined that the tactical mechanisms of trade activity in the electronic commerce market, based on the utilization of enterprise potential, are a set of measures and tools aimed at achieving the long-term development goals of the enterprise, as outlined in the strategy for market penetration and development in the e-business market, which involves the effective use of enterprise potential. These mechanisms ensure flexibility and efficiency in implementing strategic plans, contributing to adaptation to changes in the market environment and maintaining competitive advantages. It is noted that managing a trading company in the context of entering the e-commerce market requires an integrated approach that encompasses comprehensive marketing, operational, and financial mechanisms. The marketing mechanism includes brand promotion, assortment management, pricing, CRM, multichannel sales, and market analysis. Operational mechanisms involve optimizing the website, managing online advertising, implementing order management systems and efficient logistics, and using CRM tools to maintain customer relationships. Financial mechanisms focus on managing cash flows, optimizing costs, evaluating pricing strategies, and managing financial risks, ensuring the company’s stable growth and competitiveness.
Keywords: trade enterprises, e-business, tactical management mechanisms, e-commerce, digital tools, trade enterprise strategy, enterprise potential, transfer potential, competitiveness.
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The article was received 28.07.2024