УДК: 339.97:332
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-44
JEL classification: L15; Q13
Introduction. The domestic agrarian business faces the task of bringing its own competitive advantages in line with world needs. The heterogeneity of the operating conditions of enterprises, which differ in organizational and legal status, size, resource base and investment opportunities, determines the unevenness of their development, and consequently the need to develop differentiated mechanisms for managing competitiveness. The development of methods and mechanisms of competitive positioning of agribusiness entities with the obligatory consideration of their resource potential and peculiarities of activity in the conditions of sustainable development becomes urgent.
The purpose of the article is to form conceptual provisions on mechanisms for improving the competitiveness and product quality of enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy.
Results. It is necessary to consider the system of competitiveness management as a complex entity with clearly divided functions of management and competitiveness. It is proposed to consider the mechanisms of managing the competitiveness of the agricultural enterprise as a comprehensive use of tools, methods and processes within the agreed organizational and management structure in the presence of resource potential sufficient to create and implement conditions for maximum use of competitive advantages of the agricultural enterprise in modern conditions or in the future of entering new markets. The strategic scenario of formation of the mechanism of management of competitiveness of the agrarian enterprise focused on release of organic production is offered, the basic content of which, in contrast to the existing ones, is a matrix set of strategic alternatives to indicators of innovative agrotechnologies, the essence of which is a gradual transition to sustainable development through positioning useful and safe properties of agri-food products, and determination of a comprehensive system of optimal solutions taking into account the indicators of permanent monitoring of market opportunities and selection of target consumer groups.
Keywords: competitiveness, agricultural products, mechanisms of increasing competitiveness, agricultural enterprises, sustainable development.
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The article was received 10.01.2020