УДК 343.137
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-17
JEL classification: D21; L11; L22; Q13
The article defines the potential of competitiveness as the totality of the enterprise’s capabilities to create sustainable competitive advantages. The direct competitiveness of products and the enterprise is recognized as the result of implementing these advantages in production, commercial, and sales activities. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research in the article is formed by modern concepts of management theory and competition and the scientific work of domestic and foreign scientists on theoretical and practical principles of forming strategies for competitive advantage in the agricultural sector of the economy. The structure of the involved elements and tools of the strategic management system is established taking into account the dual nature of the management object, which is defined as the process of realizing the potential of competitive advantage through the implementation of the connection between the implementation of innovative solutions and the creation of competitive advantages, the nature of which is determined by the potential of the enterprise and the situation in the target markets. The theoretical and applied principles of constructing a synthesized organizational and economic mechanism for managing the potential of competitiveness on an innovation and investment basis are substantiated. The specified concept provides for the construction of an appropriate management mechanism. It also recognizes the priority of the enterprise’s investment activity as a source of resources to maintain the stability of its development. In forming the specified mechanism of enterprise development management, the results of the decomposition and further synthesis of development and management mechanisms are laid down. At the same time, the development management mechanism provides for the production and implementation of enterprise investment strategies depending on the enterprise’s economic potential, mission, and goals of the activity, as well as the scale of production, size, and specialization. Competition forces entrepreneurs to mobilize all available and potential resources to develop and implement strategies for effective behavior in the market. To take into account and compare all aspects and factors influencing an enterprise’s competitiveness level, it is necessary to formulate a concept of a modern approach to defining and managing competition.
Keywords: competitiveness, enterprise potential, strategy, competitive advantages, management mechanism, innovation, economic efficiency.
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The article was received 05.11.2024