УДК: 005.73:339.92

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-4

Nemashkalo Karina
PhD in Economics, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodical Work, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,
Jianping Miao
Phd student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: M14; M16

One of the specific characteristics that distinguish modern network-oriented models of multinational organizations is the extreme importance of the human factor in achieving the target level of economic performance, considering the organizational component. That is why the study of the essence and members of the mechanism of the organizational culture of a multinational organization is now highly relevant. The purpose of this study is to determine the nature of the “mechanism of the organizational culture of a multinational organization” and to systematize and analyze all components of the mechanism of the organizational culture of a multinational organization. Based on the results of the morphological analysis of the essence of the concept of “mechanism” and the results of the systematization and analysis of the main elements, factors, and components of the mechanism of organizational culture, it was determined that organizational culture is also a mechanism for setting the behavior of employees on a target course through shared values, norms as critical elements of organizational culture. It is proved that to study the mechanism of organizational culture; it is necessary to use retroduction as a method of inference, in which events are explained by identifying the mechanisms capable of generating them. It was determined that in the process of consciously forming the mechanism of the organizational culture of a multinational organization, the employee fully identifies with the organization, because of which he not only understands the goals of the organization and follows the behavior patterns, but also fully shares all the values of the organization, positively perceives the procedures and artifacts created on their basis. Moreover, the established mechanism of organizational culture will have a positive synergistic effect on the effectiveness of the organization’s activities; therefore, in addition to determining the dominant types of organizational culture, it is necessary to decide on the level of their compatibility with the requirements of the national culture of the country in which the multinational organization operates.

Key words: mechanism of organizational culture, multinational organization, mechanism of organizational culture of a multinational organization.


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The article was received 25.02.2023