УДК 339.97

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-31

Shevchenko Iryna,
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business Administration
National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»,

JEL classification: F29, O30, M31

The purpose of the article is to build a mechanism for the development of marketing management in the conditions of digitalization. The paper develops theoretical and methodological aspects of the implementation of marketing management, namely, the development of an operating mechanism for its development. The latter is thoroughly theoretically revealed through the definition of the “marketing management development mechanism” concept. The definition of marketing management is disclosed, and an attempt is made to improve it by highlighting its definition. A mechanism for developing marketing management is proposed, considering the digitalization process. The author proposes including it in the marketing management process as part of the effectiveness assessment. In this case, efforts will be concentrated on parameters based on the strategic goals of the enterprise’s development. In addition, such an approach will increase the level of systematicity by forming a combination of functions and intensifying the monitoring of marketing management, especially according to performance parameters. The aim is to change the target direction, considering the functional vector in the mechanism. Thus, in addition to determining the targeted, legal, rational use of resources, the author emphasizes the established socio-economic effect of implementation by sustainable development. Several measures are proposed to ensure the development of marketing management to facilitate the implementation of the digitalization process in traditional business processes.

Keywords: marketing, management, digital business platforms, digital economy, digital business, digital marketing, digital transformation.


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The article was received 05.11.2024