УДК 338.001.36

Olena Mykolayivna PAVLOVA
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Chair of Analytical Economics and Natural Resources Management, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, (Lutsk, Ukraine)

JEL classification: M 39; L 10


Introduction. In modern conditions companies fully understand all potential opportunities and ways to realize their behavior on the market, create favorable conditions for achieving successful decisions. They in order to obtain the most profitable market positions often come to the use of various modern tools to assess future strategic solutions for long-term planning. After all, it is from the qualitative characteristics and indicators of the analytical study on the situation, which takes place on the market depends on the potential choice and possibility of success in the implementation of strategic decisions of the enterprise, because it is based on a clear definition the future path of its development.

The Purpose of this study is to set up a comprehensive study of financial and economic indicators, as well as strategies for the operation of one of the largest coffee makers in the state.

Results. In-depth survey of the coffee market in Ukraine has allowed to substantiate the high level of popularity among consumers namely the soluble type of coffee drinks, because of the reasons: habit of consumption; low level of provision among the population of special electrical equipment for making coffee drinks; aggressive type of advertising companies to promote coffee products among consumers; convenience of cooking and consumption. In the process of studying this problem, it was also determined that the share of instant coffee today accounts for more than half of the domestic market of coffee products.

Conclusions. Marketing research of financial-economic indicators, competitive positions and strategies for the producers of coffee products is one of the key concepts of modern marketing. It can be defined as a set of marketing tools that are used collectively to determine the financial and economic indicators and strategic positions of coffee producers with the ultimate goal of obtaining the desired reaction of the target market. The proposed complex of researches includes everything that forces to make society, with the ultimate goal of increasing the level of demand for its products.

Keywords: marketing research, financial result, economic index, strategy, coffee market, coffee products.


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The article was received 18.07.2018