УДК: 371: 338.46
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-45
JEL classification: A21; I29; M31
Educational institutions should promptly respond to the labor market needs and offer those educational products that will ensure the knowledge structure and acquired skills compliance with the country social and economic development tasks. This can be ensured by a marketing approach to management. Technology and marketing tools are quite common components of the higher and professional education institutions development strategy formation. At the same time, they are not used enough in the school educational institutions planning and organizing activities practice. The purpose of the article has been defined as the determination of the requirements for building a marketing management system in educational institutions and positioning its main components in the form of logically interconnected structural elements that technologically and instrumentally ensure the realization of their functional purpose. Based on the synthesis of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the marketing management essence, the authors’ position has been formed regarding the interpretation of the educational institution marketing management essence as a system of information support for making management decisions, which makes it possible to maintain the organization’s constant connection with the external environment, integrating and directing the efforts of all its structural links for the implementation of a socially significant mission and the achievement of established goals. The specifics of educational services of school educational institutions have been characterized and, taking this into account, the marketing management main functions of a school education institution (analytical, project-experimental, representative, operational-management, educational and competent) have been highlighted. Each function purpose has been specified and its instrumental and technological content has been formed. Practical implementation of the concept of marketing management in school education institutions will make it possible to increase the validity of strategic plans, bring them closer to the needs of the labor market and position the institution more clearly in the market of educational services.
Keywords: school education institutions, educational services, inclusion, diversity potential, marketing management functions.
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The article was received 16.04.2022