УДК: 332.2:338.432
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-57
JEL classification: O13, Q17
The article is devoted to finding land use management problems of agrarian enterprises during innovative development. Based on the study, priority effective measures for managing the innovative potential of land use of agrarian enterprises in the context of modern security challenges were proposed. Study problems and search for priority measures of management of the innovative potential of land use of agrarian enterprises in the context of modern security challenges. The problems of land use in the conditions of innovative development, technological and climatic changes, have been substantiated, which made it possible to determine that ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine depends significantly on the state of land resources. It was found that a significant problem of land use of agricultural enterprises is the lack of a long-term strategic plan with clear targets, which forms the conditions for the development of a symbiosis of the interests of the ecological and social subsystems. It has been proven that the land use management system, subject to the determination of benefits from using land resources, should have a multi-alternative view of the purpose and use of the area of agricultural enterprises. Since the land use of agricultural enterprises is an artificial anthropogenic intervention in natural systems for obtaining economic benefits, it is proposed to calculate the potential damage from a specific type of land use in specific conditions. It is emphasized that the primary way to increase land use efficiency in an agricultural enterprise is a consistent technological restructuring. Its necessity is determined by the growth of demand for the products of agricultural enterprises in the right assortment, of the appropriate quality, and the decrease in the size of the land fund for agricultural production.
Keywords: agricultural enterprises, land use, land resources, management of innovative potential, efficiency, prioritization, development, security challenges.
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The article was received 02.10.2023