УДК: 330.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-45

Shaulska Larysa,
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

JEL classification: E44; E69; G10; M21; O16

Management of enterprises’ financial and economic security is one of the most critical functions of control, as it ensures the functioning of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and risk. The main tasks of managing financial and economic security are providing the enterprise’s financial stability, minimizing the risks of loss of capital and income, preserving the enterprise’s reputation, and ensuring high profitability of operations. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the enterprise’s financial and economic risks, develop, and implement effective financial and risk management strategies, improve the financial management system, and control costs. The method of managing the financial and economic security of the enterprise includes such elements as planning and budgeting, financial analysis and control, management of liquidity and credit policy, management of assets and financial resources, and management of risks and insurance. In addition, the direction of the financial and economic security of the enterprise must consider factors such as changes in the market, the political and economic situation in the country, competition, and changes in legislation and regulation of the industry. The article represents the study of the scientific and practical problem of financial and economic security, which ensures the enterprise’s stable and balanced financial development and justifies the need to achieve it with the effective use of available resources. The following tasks were completed to achieve the goal: the theoretical-methodological and applied foundations were improved, methods and tools were proposed, and a financial and economic security management mechanism was formed. There was an author’s understanding of financial and economic security as an economic category. The methodology of the dialectical method of scientific knowledge was applied; system and structural methods were used during the analysis of the essence of financial and economic security, which allowed the development of management principles. The research made it possible to make a comprehensive assessment of the degree of influence of external and internal factors on the level of financial and economic security to ensure effective management decisions. The fundamental differences of the theoretical argumentation are identified, and the primary relationships and interdependencies of financial, social, and economic institutions, which accompany the development of the financial and economic system and ensure the mechanism of its functioning, are identified.

Keywords: financial and economic security, management principles, methods, mechanisms, financial risks, security, competition.


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The article was received 03.01.2023