УДК: 338.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-27

Polozova Tetiana,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head
of Department of Economic Cybernetics and
Management of Economic Security, Kharkiv
National University of Radio Electronics,

JEL classification: Q 40, Q 43

The article examines the peculiarities of managing enterprises’ strategic development in Ukraine’s energy market. The main threats and dangers to the functioning of the energy industry in modern conditions were determined. The state of functioning of enterprises in the energy industry was studied. Based on the analysis of the electricity production volumes by different energy systems, the industry’s and individual enterprises’ development trends are substantiated. The state of the export potential of electricity to European countries was analyzed, resulting in a significant decrease in exports of all types of generation was revealed. The competitive position of Ukraine’s energy industry, which has significantly decreased in recent years, has been studied. The main directions for increasing the competitiveness of energy-complex enterprises both in the domestic and foreign markets have been formed. It was determined that for Ukraine’s energy industry, access to new European sales markets will significantly improve its competitive position, ensure the industry’s economic activity, and contribute to its sustainable development. The definition of the strategic development of the enterprise is given. A conceptual model for managing the strategic development of enterprises in the energy market of Ukraine is proposed, which includes the following stages: definition of the purpose, principles, tasks, methods, and tools for managing the strategic development of the enterprise; analysis of the market and competitive environment; strategic planning; carrying out a SWOT analysis; resource planning; strategy implementation; monitoring and evaluation. The main objectives of the development strategy of energy industry enterprises have been formulated. The main principles of strategic management of the development of energy market enterprises are defined. The need to diagnose the competitive positions of the industry, which will allow us to determine the strengths and weaknesses in the activities of both individual enterprises and the complex, is substantiated. Identifying threats and weaknesses will allow managers to implement the necessary measures to minimize or eliminate them promptly, which will positively affect the development of energy industry enterprises.

Keywords: management, strategic development, energy market, enterprise, management model.


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The article was received 28.12.2023