УДК 330.322:620.91:504.05
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-37
JEL classification: Q42, Q01, G31
The article examines effective investment management in the sustainable development of green energy, which is a key direction for ensuring energy independence, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and fulfilling Ukraine’s international climate commitments. Changes in energy investment volumes by region and fuel categories are analyzed, allowing for identifying key trends in the global and regional distribution of financial resources. The challenges of replacing nuclear generation in Ukraine are investigated, including the limitations of hydropower, the environmental risks of thermal generation, and the technical constraints of alternative energy sources. International experience in implementing modern energy technologies, such as small modular reactors (SMRs), which ensure energy supply stability and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint, is highlighted. Modern approaches to evaluating the investment attractiveness of energy projects, including using the NEST methodology, are considered. Calculations of key economic indicators such as LUEC (Levelized Unit Electricity Cost), NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), and ROI (Return on Investment) are conducted, enabling well-founded decisions on implementing innovative energy technologies. Special attention is given to tools for assessing the effectiveness of small modular reactors and renewable energy sources, which hold promise for Ukraine’s energy transformation. The research findings emphasize the importance of integrating renewable energy sources into the national energy system, modernizing infrastructure, and adapting legislation to international standards. It is highlighted that introducing new technologies, such as energy storage systems, will enhance the stability of the energy system even under conditions of significant growth in the share of renewables. Directions for further research are proposed, including the analysis of the economic efficiency of small modular reactors, the development of financial mechanisms for attracting investments in renewable energy, and the study of the impact of modern technologies on the stability of Ukraine’s energy system.
Keywords: sustainable development, green energy, investment management, investment attractiveness, energy security, renewable energy sources.
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The article was received 15.12.2023