УДК: 339.5:338.432](477-651.2:470-651.1)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-55
JEL classification: O13, Q17
The study is devoted to assessing the consequences of the war in Ukraine for the world trade in agricultural products and substantiating the peculiarities of managing the foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises of the country in the military and post-war periods in the context of stabilizing the national economy. Based on the analysis, the author identifies the critical components of the effects of the war in Ukraine on world agricultural trade, which are geographically specific and contextual. The impact of the aggressor country’s actions on the territory of Ukraine on international trade and economic relations is determined. The spatial and commodity structure of Ukraine’s trade integration relations in agricultural production in the pre-war and war periods is considered and studied. It is noted that despite Ukraine’s small share in the total volume of world trade and production, the country’s integration into international agricultural markets is quite significant. It is proved that the domestic agricultural sector is a powerful exporter of agricultural products for several items, including staple foods. Ukraine retained its place among the world’s five most prominent exporters of agricultural products in 2022. The main products of domestic agricultural exports have traditionally been grains and oilseeds, various oils, residues of the food and processing industry, meat, and offal. It is substantiated that for stabilizing the national economy, it is necessary to modernize all sectors of the Ukrainian economy, including agriculture. It is necessary not only to rebuild them to pre-war levels but also to profoundly transform the country at all levels (macro, meso, and micro), from business models and technologies, infrastructure, and logistics to a radical overhaul of institutions. The main strategic goal was to maintain Ukraine’s full membership in the EU.
Keywords: Agri-food market, agricultural products, foreign economic activity management, agricultural enterprises, stabilization of the national economy, sustainable development paradigm, international trade, war in Ukraine, development.
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The article was received 01.10.2023