УДК 332.132
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-11
JEL classification: F52; Q10
Introduction. The functioning of agricultural enterprises in a competitive and natural environment causes the existence of specific threats, overcoming which necessitates the creation of an economic security mechanism.
The Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify problems of agricultural enterprises functioning, to protect producers from the effects of destructive influences, to ensure stable and maximally effective development of enterprises in the future.
Results. It is established that the structural composition of the economic security system is formed by intra-production and non-production components. The plural of non-production components of economic security of agrarian enterprises are given, which include market and information.
The basic components of agricultural enterprises economic security developed by scientists are summarized: their essence is defined and the services responsible for them are specified.
The group of principles of the system construction of agricultural enterprises economic security is presented: legality, systematic construction, economic feasibility, effectiveness of managerial decisions, efficiency, cost optimization, validity, complexity, balance, timeliness, continuity, constant monitoring, activity, coordination and interaction, centralization, interaction focus on strategic goals, objectivity, responsiveness and dynamism, variability, responsiveness, adaptability, flexibility of management, development and improvement, promotion and responsibility.
Conclusions. It is determined that the economic security of an agricultural enterprise is a state of its economic resources that provides a rational branch-organizational structure of the enterprise, taking into account the geographical location and natural and climatic conditions of its activity, under which it is able to effectively counter the possible threats to the internal and external environment, as well as to achieve the set goals and objectives based on the implementation of its chosen development strategy.
Keywords: agrarian enterprises, economic security, economic security of the enterprise, system of economic security of the enterprise, planning.
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The article was received 18.02.2019