УДК 332.132

Miroslav KOROTYA
doctoral student, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

JEL classification: L 95


Introduction. Results of numerous scientists’ researches confirm that today one of the most Introduction. The development of domestic enterprises depends on the structure balance level of their organizational and economic functioning. The competitiveness of gas distribution companies is shaped by the impact at different levels of the respective organizational and economic environment.

The purpose of the article is to study comprehensively the activity regulating directions of natural gas distribution companies and to develop an effective mechanism for its implementation.

Results. The key feature of the activity of gas distribution companies is identified. The features and the list of organizational and economic factors influencing the functioning of gas distribution companies in the western region are summarized. The results of the research and logical systematization of organizational and economic factors influencing the gas distribution companies functioning at the regional level are reflected. The different scale of the environment of these factors origin and influence on the gas distribution companies activity has been determined. The general principles scheme of organizational and economic influence factors interaction on the subjects activity of the natural gas distribution sphere is constructed in the region through the prism of structuring in the appropriate sequence: level, environment, factor. There is a lack of adequate state financial support for the development of the sphere. The necessity to improve the regulatory framework for adjustment the gas processing companies activities is substantiated, including licensing and patenting. Key factors of the meso and microenvironment influence of enterprises are highlighted.

Conclusions. The influence of the balance level of organizational and economic functioning structure of gas refining companies in the process of strengthening their competitiveness is outlined. The importance of taking into account the organizational and economic environment influence has been established at different levels on such enterprises activity.

Keywords: natural gas distribution, gas distribution companies, regulation, macro-level, mezo-level, micro-level, region.


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The article was received 08.12.2018