УДК: 657.6:658.7:339.9

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-1-32

Tetiana V. Hushtan
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Uzhhorod Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

JEL classification: F13


Subject of study. Logistics processes in the activities of trade enterprises in the conditions of European integration are considered.

The purpose of the study.  The purpose of the article is to study the logistics processes in the activities of Ukrainian trade enterprises entering the markets of the EU in the context of significant global changes.

Research methods. The methodological basis of the study is the position of theories of enterprise economics, trade, logistics, strategic management, systems and economic growth in the context of European integration, as well as system and structural analysis.

Results. The peculiarities of trade and economic relations between Ukraine and the European Union are outlined. The necessity of logistic strategies formation in trade enterprises is substantiated. The structure of foreign trade in goods and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on it, as well as the dynamics of exports and imports of goods are analyzed. The basic principles of logistics in the activity of trade enterprises entering the EU markets are determined. The basic scheme of logistic functional branches is formed. The key logistic concepts of trade enterprises are substantiated. Possibilities of solving optimization problems in the field of logistics in trade enterprises entering the markets of the European Union are considered and calculated. The formed sales channel should have developed both logistic, and marketing strategy. Next, the distribution policy is the sales method, commercial service and delivery service. There are relationships between these elements. The method of sale differs depending on whether they connect the seller directly or indirectly with the final recipient and which companies are involved. By choosing a distribution channel, the company decides which tasks it will perform and which will be transferred to independent market partners.

Conclusions. This model is an integer linear programming of the transport type and has a similarity to the transport problem, which allows it to be solved by the method of potentials. The use of these models will help optimize the strategic directions of export activities for trade enterprises.

Keywords: trade enterprises, logistics processes, export-import operations, optimization, EU countries.


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The article was received 12.01.2021