УДК: 631.1:339.187

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-31

PhD in Economics, Senior Scientific Researcher, Employee Of The Transport Services Department, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Research
Viktoriya FEDOROVA
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

JEL classification: M31; Q13


Introduction. The article emphasizes the importance of the role of the sales channels and the logistics system of the agricultural enterprise. This necessitates their improvement in order to en-sure marketing activities. Forms of product promotion are determined in accordance with economic content, economic and economic conditions of distribution, production and economic relations, place on the market. Choosing distribution channels is a difficult decision for the manufacturer, because of the need to take into account many aspects of the functioning of logistics systems.

The purpose of scientific research is to determine the nature and role of logistic activity in the marketing and sailing of agricultural products.

Results. The zero-distribution channel, which is most often used by producers in the activities of agricultural enterprises, is characterized. The conditions, under which it is appropriate to use this sales channel, are identified. The specifics of logistics activities and the relationship between the intermediary and the manufacturer are outlined. The essence of two-level and three-level sales channels is characterized, their participants are defined and the conditions for effective interaction between them. The factors that influence the choice of direct or indirect channel of interaction between producer and consumer are systematized. The logistics system and distribution channels are identified as one of the most important components in ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural products. The role and essence of marketing communications in the process of logistic activity of agricultural enterprises is established. The effectiveness of Internet communications, including information portals, is highlighted. The influence of state authorities on the logistic systems formation of agricultural enterprises in the process of products sale is determined. The essence of marketing infrastructure is outlined. Formation of grain marketing channels for logistic activity of domestic agricultural enterprises is proposed. The purpose of the sales department of the agricultural enterprise in its logistic activity is characterized.

Conclusions. Logistics activities are important in the marketing of agricultural products. Domestic manufacturers need to consider a large number of factors to determine the feasibility of using different types of distribution channels in the logistics system. Improvement of logistic activity of agrarian enterprise is the key to maintaining the proper level of competitiveness of its products.

Keywords: logistics, logistic activity, logistics system, marketing, marketing of agricultural products, agrarian enterprise, sales channel, marketing communications.


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The article was received 15.07.2019