УДК: 342.4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-37
JEL classification: К32
The article researches modern legal aspects that regulate the set of environmental rights of citizens, as well as the basic principles that ensure their implementation in the practice. The essence and content of environmental law were studied, its functionality and main forms of manifestation were structured. The current domestic system of guarantees for the realization of environmental human rights is analyzed. Its methodological and practical aspects were supplemented from the standpoint of separating the institutional component from the existing forms of manifestation. The functional concept of environmental law is defined and studied from the standpoint of one of the most promising, priority and key elements of the sustainable development of society and national economies in the modern practice of the developed countries of the world. The author’s approach to the formation of a system of tools for the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the implementation of the constitutional environmental rights of citizens is presented. The world’s leading experience in the implementation of social environmental rights has been studied. It was determined that environmental priorities, rights and goals become the basic strategic dominants of the further development of society, both at the level of leading national economies and on a global scale. According to the results of research and systematization of foreign and domestic experience, priority directions for further improvement of guaranteeing the implementation of environmental rights of citizens have been determined. Among the main and most promising directions for domestic practice are recommended: taking into account the progressive world experience of developing and adopting the environmental code, using digital tools to promote the implementation of environmental programs and development projects, ensuring the guarantee of society’s access to relevant information, spreading the practice of environmental auditing and drawing up environmental reporting. It was determined that raising the level of public awareness, popularizing global and national sustainable development initiatives, and raising the level of national environmental culture should be the basis of the mechanism for realizing the environmental rights of the country’s population.
Keywords: environmental rights, guarantees, environmental safety, constitutional guarantees, sustainable development, mechanism for ensuring the implementation of environmental rights
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The article was received 12.04.2022