УДК 005.378
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-4
JEL classification: I2, I25, O30
The article is devoted to a comprehensive systematic analysis of knowledge management in the context of innovation and project activities of educational institutions in terms of economic interaction, intellectual development, and competitiveness. The authors draw attention to the need for systematic and effective knowledge management in modern education to ensure sustainable development and successful competition. The paper discusses critical aspects of knowledge management, such as strategic planning, organizational culture, innovative approaches to learning, and cooperation with external partners. It provides examples of successful knowledge management practices in educational institutions and considers their impact on increasing intellectual development and competitiveness. The study reflects current trends and challenges in knowledge management in the educational sector. It provides practical recommendations for educational institutions to use knowledge in innovative projects and increase their competitiveness effectively. It improves understanding of how knowledge management can become a strategic tool for achieving the goals of educational institutions. Particular attention is paid to the role of intellectual development, which is an essential factor in increasing the competitiveness of educational institutions. The ways of developing intellectual potential are the subject of reflections and recommendations presented in the article. The article analyses the problems of knowledge management from the point of view of the interaction of company managers and software tools in business processes related to the stages of the knowledge life cycle. Approaches to building adaptive knowledge management systems are proposed. The article highlights the challenges faced by educational institutions. The authors argue that integrating sophisticated software tools can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge management, thereby fostering a more innovative and competitive educational environment.
Keywords: innovation and project activity, economic interaction, intellectual development, competitiveness, educational institutions.
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The article was received 25.10.2024