УДК 658.152

Candidate of Economic Sciences, director of economics
Applicant at the International University of Business and Law (Kherson)

JEL classification: R 53; Q 13; R 10


Introduction. Organizational and economic mechanism of investment activity is a derivative of the economic mechanism of food industry enterprises. Its improvement is possible due to the basic restructuring of the economic mechanism. The organizational and economic mechanism reflects the enterprise innovative activity specifics.

The purpose of the article is to assess the investment potential level of the region food industry in an unstable economic environment.

Results. The essence of the «investment» concept is revealed. The relation between concepts of financial and innovative resources is considered. Approaches to the investment potential assessment are summarized and highlighted and the main ones – qualitative and quantitative – are identified. The positions of scientists regarding the system composition of the indicators for the enterprise innovation potential assessment are presented. It is suggested to evaluate the innovation potential according to the system of investment and financial potential indicators. The analysis of earning power, profitability of activity, profits margin, liquidity, business activity, technical condition, depreciation of fixed assets at the enterprises of the canning industry in Odessa region. The growth rates decrease of the enterprises profitability indicators was evaluated, their financial status was determined. It is found that most of the surveyed enterprises have poor financial stability and solvency.

Conclusions. The scientific approach to the investment potential assessment of the canning enterprises has been developed. The content of the enterprise investment potential is determined and the features of its evaluation are considered. The state of investment potential of the region food industry is analyzed. Low level of the calculated indicator has been found. The peculiarities of development and formation of enterprises innovation and investment potential are substantiated. The specificity of the innovation strategy for such enterprises – the strategy of competitive innovation, is defined.

Keywords: investment potential, investment potential assessment, investments, attraction of investments, methodical approach, competitiveness.


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The article was received 20.12.2018