УДК: 338.48

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-42

Kalyna Tеtiana,
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
Arzumanyan Tеtiana,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
Danylenko Valerii,
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0098-5204
State Biotechnological University

JEL classification: L 83

Tourism is a multiplier of socio-economic development, a vital sector of the economy with significant investments and a wide range of dynamically developing sectors of the national economy. One of the priority directions for the development of modern tourism is the support and development of domestic and inbound tourism. An important research direction is the study of investment attractiveness in tourist destinations. Therefore, the need to attract investments in the service sector, the development of enogastronomic destinations that form a specific tourist product, will contribute to the development of entrepreneurship in this area, increase the economic effect and development of rural areas, which is an essential direction for ensuring sustainable development. The publication aims to research ways to increase the attractiveness of investment in enogastronomic destinations to increase their competitiveness. The article examines the issues of research on inestimities and ways of increasing investment attractiveness in enogastronomic destinations. The essence of the concepts “investment”, “investment attractiveness”, “public-private partnership” was determined. It is substantiated that until 2020, a positive trend was observed regarding the volume of capital investments in the country’s economy. It has been proven that in modern conditions, an essential place in investment activities is the introduction of investments in tourist activities and developing tourist destinations. Factors affecting the assessment of investment attractiveness are determined. It is substantiated that public-private partnership is one of the critical mechanisms for implementing the policy of increasing investment attractiveness to solve significant socio-economic problems. The essence of public-private partnership in forming the investment attractiveness of food and wine destinations and the result of the interaction of the public and private spheres have been determined. The interaction of the state and business to solve socially significant tasks becomes relevant in connection with globalization, increased competition on the world market, the complication of social and economic conditions, and the need to ensure the appropriate competitiveness of domestic goods and services. A key factor of public-private partnerships in forming investment attractiveness and developing food and wine destinations is the guarantee of benefits from the joint use of resources.

Keywords: tourism, enogastronomic destination, investment, investment attractiveness, public-private partnership.


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The article was received 15.01.2024