УДК 65.011.47:658.27:631.11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-2
JEL classification: E 22; O 31; O 43; Q 10; Q 13
Introduction. For further effective development of agricultural production, it is necessary to develop new economic mechanisms and forms of interaction between the state, business, science and education to accelerate the process of introduction of new developments in production, attracting investment in the agricultural sector.
The work is aimed at improving the mechanisms for managing the investment and innovation development of agricultural production on the basis of the creation of regional clusters, using public-private partnerships to ensure the transfer of innovations to agricultural development and increase the level of competitiveness of national producers in the free trade area with EU countries.
The purpose of the study is to consider the institutional principles of managing the investment and innovation development of agricultural production on the basis of the creation of regional clusters. On the basis of this, the structure of the investment-innovation cluster with the inclusion of the infrastructure of the money capital market was developed.
Results. The necessity to introduce into the structure of investment-innovative cluster of monetary capital infrastructure is established. The essential functions of which are: the organization and maintenance of cash flow, the integration of the necessary cash resources in specific areas and areas of activity.
It is determined that the difference between the investment and innovation cluster from other forms of economic formations is that the cluster members do not go for full merger, but form a mechanism of interaction, which allows them not to lose the status of a legal entity and thus to cooperate with other cluster members and for beyond.
The basic approaches to the estimation of the efficiency of activity of cluster formations as a result of increase of the level of utilization of available capacities, increase of opportunities of attraction of investments, emergence of synergistic effect are defined.
Conclusions. It is determined that the investment-innovation cluster is a purposefully created group of organizations, which operate on the basis of centers of enhancement of scientific knowledge and business ideas and training of highly qualified specialists.
Keywords: cluster, management, investment and innovation development, agrarian production, process, capital.
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The article was received 15.02.2019