УДК 334.722:338.49
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-67
JEL classification: E50; G24
The article reveals the essence of the infrastructure structure that supports small businesses as an environment and the conditions for producing goods/services. The classification of the infrastructure of the support system for small and medium-sized businesses has been given. The small business support infrastructure components have been singled out: financial and credit, organizational and legal, informational and consulting, production and technical, social and environmental. Attention has been focused on the peculiarities of the functioning of infrastructure facilities supporting small businesses (business centers, business incubators, innovative business incubators, scientific and technological centers, technology transfer centers, small business support funds, leasing funds, consulting centers, other enterprises, institutions, and organizations) depending on the level of their function (state, regional, local). An analysis of small business support infrastructure facilities as of the end of 2023 was carried out. It has been found that the extensiveness of the infrastructure created by the state is used as one of the criteria for assessing the level of state support for the development of small businesses. It has been proposed to evaluate the innovative infrastructure of small business support of a separate region, considering the Digital Transformation Index, which includes the following sub-indices: institutional capacity, access to the internet, development of the Administrative Service Centers (TsNAPs), implementation of the paperless regime, digital education, the business card of the region, penetration of basic e-services, sectoral digital transformation.
Keywords: small business, support infrastructure, infrastructure facility, innovative infrastructure, digital transformation.
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The article was received 10.01.2024