УДК 001
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-63
JEL classification: I21
In the modern academic environment, innovations in education play a crucial role in transforming the educational process, which poses complex tasks for the scientific community to preserve academic integrity. Integrating digital technologies, such as distance learning platforms, artificial intelligence, and automated assessment and analysis systems, is fundamentally changing traditional approaches to learning and teaching. However, despite the advantages of digitization of the educational process, which contribute to increasing the accessibility of education and its individualization, there are threats to compliance with the rules and principles of academic integrity. Access to an unlimited number of resources, simplification of the process of searching and processing information, as well as the possibility of using artificial intelligence algorithms can lead to an increase in cases of academic fraud and plagiarism and a decrease in the quality of knowledge obtained by students in the process of obtaining higher education. In this context, there is a need for an in-depth scientific analysis of the impact of innovative technologies on academic integrity, the development of effective methods for preventing violations of ethical norms, and the implementation of complex approaches to ensuring high standards of education. While writing the scientific article, the meaning of academic integrity was determined as a critical element of the modern higher education system, which includes ethical norms and standards of behavior of participants in the educational process. Various aspects of academic integrity are analyzed, particularly the principles and values of academic integrity of students of higher education institutions. It has been studied that one of the critical components of the fight against violations is the implementation of strict sanctions against violators of academic integrity, and it is found that these measures contribute to the maintenance of high standards of scientific research and education, preventing the discrediting of the academic community. The positive possibilities of applying innovative technologies in the educational process and new forms of violations of academic integrity using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are analyzed. It was determined that to effectively combat violations of academic integrity, it is necessary to develop clear rules and policies regarding using innovative technologies in the educational process.
Keywords: academic integrity, innovative technologies, institutions of higher education, quality of education, ethical norms, artificial intelligence, machine learning.
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The article was received 05.04.2024