УДК 330.341.1:65.011
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-29
JEL classification: О31, Q13
Introduction. The concentration of agricultural enterprises on the implementation of innovations allows them to adapt to modern environmental conditions and stay on the market for a long time. Innovative solutions in the agri-food sector can help increase food production efficiency. Such technologies can help reduce production costs, increase yields and added value. Today, there is an urgent need to address issues related to stimulating the development of agricultural enterprises, as well as to analyze innovation processes and identify factors that negatively affect the innovation climate in the agricultural sector.
Objective. The purpose of the study of the peculiarities of innovation processes in stimulating the
development of agricultural enterprises and substantiation of the directions of intensification of the innovation process in the agricultural sector.
Methods. In conducting research, a set of such methods and techniques of scientific knowledge was used: abstract-logical (in forming the logical-structural scheme of the system of economic relations of participants in new forms of business organization), monographic and economic-statistical (in assessing the current state of innovation); methods of analysis and synthesis (in the formalization and evaluation of the effect of factors on the development of innovation processes), the method of scientific comparison.
Results. The peculiarities of innovation processes in stimulating the development of agricultural enterprises are studied. The role of innovation processes related to the dynamics of the intensity of research and development, the ratio of costs for research and development and GDP, production and the penetration of high technology. It is determined that the system of economic relations of participants of agrarian enterprises of innovative direction is based on entrepreneurial and innovative environment. The indicators of innovation activity in the priority direction “Rational use of nature” are analyzed. The largest share of financing costs in the priority thematic area “Prospective technologies of the agro-industrial complex and processing industry” has been established. The analysis of the dynamics of the number of introduced new technological processes and innovative types of products for 2012-2019, units The main directions of national incentives for the development of agricultural enterprises based on innovations, the impact of innovation processes on stimulating the development of agricultural enterprises in terms of the interests of the region, innovative incentives for the development of agricultural enterprises. It was found that the process of using innovations to stimulate agricultural enterprises can be represented as a set of tools, factors that encourage the development of entrepreneurship in solving the most important problems of the agricultural sector, region (state), as well as certain mechanisms of their interaction.
Keywords: innovations, innovation processes, incentives, agricultural enterprises, innovative solutions.
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The article was received 18.07.2020