УДК: 338.46
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-38
JEL classification: O30; F63
The features of applying innovative approaches in the system of territorial development have been investigated. The fundamental theoretical principles of innovative socio-economic development of regions and territorial communities have been identified. The preconditions for innovative development of regions and the problems of implementing regional innovation projects are characterized. Virtualization has been characterized as a distinct direction in innovative territorial development. The profiles of IT development in Ukrainian regions as of the end of 2021 have been analyzed. The dynamics of the proportion of state institutions in Ukraine with Internet access have been examined. General directions and possibilities of utilizing virtualization in territorial development have been delineated and characterized. In general, innovations in territorial development are necessary not only to achieve specific goals but also to create reserves for adaptation to changes in the modern world. The use of innovative principles is becoming an essential tool in the structure of modern territorial development management. Territorial development virtualization is an effective tool that can be used to improve the analysis, planning, and implementation of regional projects. It has significant potential to improve the efficiency of regional development management. The analysis indicates that innovations are becoming a key factor determining the competitiveness and sustainability of territorial communities. Using innovative approaches in developing infrastructure, economy, and socio-cultural spheres is extremely important in modern conditions. It is important to emphasize that innovations are not limited to introducing new technologies but also cover efficient resource management, developing educational programs, and creating conditions for developing entrepreneurship and attracting investment.
Keywords: territorial development, innovative development, innovations, virtualization.
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The article was received 03.10.2023