УДК: 334.72. 338. 48

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-24

Mykola Ohiienko
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Private Enterprise «Mykolaiv Branch» of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
Alla Uzhva
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Yurii Liubarov
Head of the Department for Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage,
Mykolaiv City Council

JEL classification: L83; O31


Introduction. From an economic point of view, the tourism industry is a sector that can provide a high income for relatively small investments in innovative tourism. Over the past 10-15 years, Ukraine has experienced negative trends associated with the decline of industrial areas, the outflow of labor abroad, unstable government policy, which, in turn, has affected tourism. However, despite this, the service sector is one of the promising areas of economic development of Ukraine.

The purpose of this article is research of innovative directions of increasing the efficiency of state regulation in the regional tourist sphere.

Results. The article analyzes the tourist flows of Mykolaiv region, which allow so identify general trends in the development and interest of potential consumers of tourist services in the visited areas and general trends in the activity of tourists – citizens of Ukraine going abroad. The general analysis of tourist flows of the Mykolaiv area for 2000-2017 is carried out that exacerbates a problem of necessity of effective directions development of the regional tourist sphere taking into account regional peculiarities and problems of development of innovative processes in the tourist sphere.

Conclusions. The current legal framework governing the activities of business entities in the market of tourist services in Ukraine is not perfect, it contains a significant contradiction between the priorities and objectives of state tourism policy, it is characterized by a certain declarativeness, which is not supported by appropriate mechanisms to stimulate the development of domestic tourism business in general and foreign tourism in particular. Most legal regulations governing tourism are not properly enforced, which hampers the solution of many complex problems in the tourism industry. Measures to improve the regulatory framework should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of domestic tourism business and real economic mechanisms to stimulate the development of the tourism industry.

Key words: tourism, recreation, market of tourist services, innovations of tourism, infrastructure, tourist streams, strategy.


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The article was received 11.07.2020