УДК 330.711:351.72

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-14

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship in Maritime Transport, National University of Odessa Naval Academy
economist of the department of economics of Odessa branch
Port administrations of Ukraine

JEL classification: L 19; O 31; O 32; P 27; R 11


Introduction. The region economic security is a range of economic, social and environmental indicators, the totality of which ensures its sustainable development over the long term. The intra-systemic factors influence on the implementation of the innovative development model of the transport system is determined by the elements influence of innovative potential. Guaranteeing economic security and developing effective mechanisms for managing it are one of the priorities in the current environment to mitigate the effects of cyclical and structural fluctuations on the region’s transportation system.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study and justify the factors of the objective necessity of transport system innovative development in order to preserve the economic security of the region.

The method (methodology). The methods of comparison, analysis, theoretical and logical generalization are applied in the research process. Methodological basis was become by the dialectical method of research.

Results. The region economic security management should be directed to the evaluation and determination of its level increasing directions, development of concrete measures and mechanisms of their implementation, which in the future will ensure sustainable development of the regional economy, formation of competitive advantages of the territory in the internal and external markets, increase of incomes, quality improvement and the living standard of the region’s population. A mechanism for implementing innovative development of the transport and logistics system in the region is proposed, which will provide economic security at the regional level.

Keywords: innovative development; region; management; transport and logistics system, economic security.


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The article was received 10.03.2019