УДК: 354:316.6:002.6

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-16

Revak Irina,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine,
Pidkhomnyi Oleg,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine,
Prokopenko Valeriia,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director Institute
of the Economic Security and Customs, State Tax University, Irpin, Ukraine,
Zubrytskyi Artur,
Ph.D. in Economics,
State Tax University, Irpin, Ukraine,

JEL classification: H70; P35

The article examines the influence of innovation on the development of institutional conditions for cooperation and document exchange between customs authorities and financial intelligence units, considering the civil servants’ behavior patterns as innovative approaches implementers. Cooperation between customs authorities and financial intelligence units provides a critical foundation for ensuring the integrity of international trade and financial systems. In a time of rapid technological advancement, innovation plays a key role in shaping the dynamics of this collaboration.

Individual and organizational factors in the behavioral models’ formation in the field of relevant cooperation and ways to increase the efficiency of interdepartmental cooperation are substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the procedure for the exchange of documents between customs authorities and financial intelligence units, considering commodity and financial flows in the global economy, and the inconsistency of national and international law in the international trade field certain provisions. The opportunities and challenges of such cooperation, incentives, and the ability to exchange information between customs authorities and financial intelligence units are identified.

The need to introduce innovative tools and information exchange mechanisms specifically designed to identify suspicious signals in trade and financial transactions that may indicate crimes in international trade or sanctions evasion is argued.

Instead of viewing innovation as a potential threat, customs authorities should actively engage with innovative enterprises to create mechanisms that consider technological advances. Such collaboration can lead to the development of systems and processes that not only ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, but also facilitate more convenient and efficient cross-border trade. The development of digital ecosystems opens promising opportunities for cooperation between customs and financial intelligence units. Such systems not only improve the efficiency of risk assessment, but also ensure financial crimes timely detection. This innovative approach creates a dynamic system that adapts to the changing nature of threats in global trade and finance.

Keywords: innovations, behavior patterns of civil servants, customs authorities, financial intelligence units, cooperation, document exchange.


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The article was received 18.12.2023