УДК: 339.005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-49
JEL classification: F52; H56
In market economic conditions, the enterprise as an open system function in a complex external environment characterized by instability and constant dynamics. Such a setting determines the need for quick adaptation to new conditions, knowledge of the laws of development, and finding ways to survive in market conditions, considering factors of uncertainty and instability of the business environment. The macro-environment factors are often restrictive about the enterprise and are unregulated. Overcoming the inconsistency of the results of the enterprise’s activity with market requirements is the content of managing the economic security of the business entity. Stable functioning growth of the enterprise’s economic potential in market conditions largely depends on the availability of a reliable adaptive system of financial security management. The main goal of such a system is to guarantee the enterprise’s stable and maximally effective functioning today and the high potential of its development and competitiveness in the future. Therefore, forming an effective strategy for managing the economic security of the enterprise is particularly important. Financial security is a multifaceted direction of modern management, which includes all types of enterprise resources that require using strictly defined management tools to identify, evaluate, and minimize possible dangers and risks. The development and application of appropriate management tools and management work regulations ensure the effectiveness of the management of economic security at the enterprise. When developing the organization’s strategy, it is necessary to consider potential threats to financial security and establish specific actions to neutralize or reduce the negative impact. At all levels of the hierarchy, competitiveness depends on how competitive products, human capital, means and objects of work are, and the ratio of results and costs. These factors and competitiveness in general should be evaluated from the positions of both the enterprise and society.
Keywords: strategy, competitiveness, factors, efficiency, risks, economic security.
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The article was received 05.01.2023